شارع ودوار المنارة، والبنك العربي. رام الله، فلسطين. ١٩٥٠. Manara Street and Square, and the Arab Bank. Ramallah, Palestine. 1950. Calle y plaza Manara, y el Banco Árabe. Ramallah, Palestina. 1950.
ليديا عكاوي؛ مطربة في الإذاعة الفلسطينية فلسطين قبل ١٩٤٨ Lydia Akkaoui; singer in the Palestinian Broadcasting Radio Palestine Before 1948 Lydia Akkaoui; cantante en el radio de Palestina Palestina Antes de 1948
Soldiers of The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) searching Arabs in Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine. The Mandate of Palestine was granted to Britain by the League of Nations in 1920 and lasted until the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Ref #: PA.7014005 Date: 01/09/1945
Villagers posing by a watchtower and shelter (qasr) in a vineyard in Taybeh near Ramallah in 1937 قرويون من بلدة الطيبة قرب رام الله يقفون أمام المرقب( المنظرة)